среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

anemone blue carpet::These anemones are covered in short, sticky tentacles that are bright blue in color anemone blue carpet

anemone blue carpet anemone blue carpet::These anemones are covered in short, sticky tentacles that are bright blue in color.
This anemone will host most clownfish and should be provided a large tank with metal halide lighting and decent water flow.
Its diet can be supplemented with small feedings of meaty foods once a week.
Anemones will not tolerate poor water quality.
Anemones are solitary polyp organisms which are supported internally by water.
Anemone species are differentiated by the color, shape, placement, and length of the tentacles.
These cnidaria feed off of zooxanthellae within their bodies and need a strong light source in order to survive.
They will also take in food by using their tentacles to slowly move the prey to their mouths which is a slit in the center of the body.
This single opening also serves as its way of expelling waste.
The nematocysts within these tentacles are also used as a defense mechanism.
The nematocysts can also disturb human flesh and should be considered dangerous, especially to those that have known allergies.
Anemones found in the wild usually have found a crevice to hide their foot, or base, leaving only the tentacles exposed.
Some anemones are shipped in little or no water.
Float them for half an hour, discard any water in the bag, then release the anemone directly into the aquarium.
You can also choose to drip acclimate in a bucket by themselves.
Anemones have nematocysts, a.
Stinging cells, and can be dangerous to the touch.
These creatures can cause injury or death.
By purchasing this item you agree that you understand this is a dangerous creature and that saltwaterfish.
Com is not responsible for any injury or death that may occur.
anemone blue carpet::It likes to eat filter feeding invert food, brine
shrimp, microplankton a few times per week, when open anemone blue

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