суббота, 24 сентября 2011 г.

flower carpet rose::Flower carpet roses, or more correctly, ground cover roses, are one of the most popular selections of roses in the world, for more than one reason flower carpet rose

flower carpet rose flower carpet rose::Flower carpet roses, or more correctly, ground cover roses, are one of the most popular selections of roses in the world, for more than one reason.
They are considered a ground cover shrub to about 18 or 24 inches.
Leaves are generally bright green and the small 2 inch blooms, cluster on arching stems.
These i am told are a little shorter in stature, to 12 inches only.
I believe now that there is also a coral and a scarlet available.
Flower carpet rose maintenance.
Pruning is more like giving the little bush a haircut.
Cut out dead canes and trim back to about 10 inches from the ground, in a pleasing, ball like shape.
They are easy care.
Water frequently, grow in a sunny area and mulch in very hot summers.
I said it was easy!
Please note however that if you are planting in usda zone 5 or colder, you will need protection.
They do very well down to zone 6 and then need help to go through the winter.
Some have reported problems with long winters in these zones; northern canada, for example.
These roses are best used in mass plantings , in large containers and for landscaping.
What are the benefits of flower carpet roses?
The obvious one is easy care, easy maintenance.
They have a good resistance to pests, if they are kept healthy and well watered.
Suffice to say that do produce masses of color, on a low stumpy bush.
They are very durable, which is why they are used so extensively in landscape planting.
They can survive a certain time in drought conditions.
When you forget to water!
And finally, they can grow in a semishady situation.
All in all, a gardeners dream!
As we know, roses are the worlds best loved perennials but some gardeners shy away from them, believing that they are difficult to grow.
That used to be true, but with such easy care and low maintenance shrubs as flower carpet roses , so easily grown, there is no need to shy away.
We do know carpet roses have been known to produce as many as 3 000 blooms in a season : all about 2 inches across and all with between 15 to 20 petals.
And we do know they have been the winner of over 10 gold medals in the growers awards for disease resistance and for number of blooms!
My cousin in new zealand tells me that when they were first advertised there, they became an overnight success, mainly because of their easy management and landscaping capabilities.
City councils started planting masses of these carpet roses, in traffic islands, in large civic concrete planters and along sidewalks.
Com helping you get the most from your roses, especially the easy to grow ones!
flower carpet rose::Please note: new flower carpet rose plants vary in
size based on color flower carpet rose

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